Re: Saltwater wedge
Thanks Mr Schaetzel for your reply. I have applid a value of 0.025 (250 E-4) as a density ratio. the horizontal distribution and movement of the interface tip is going fine, but the interface toe is always placed directly under the interface tip (without any shear effect). This figure does not change even when I apply different values of the dispersivity and/or the diffusive coefficients.
Another thing that make me doubt about my feflow software that is the capture button of the results viewer never activates, it looks always deactivated. When I try to export the cross section as *.pow or *.fpd, I get an empty file (only two lines found there; ! x-y curve points: Line cross section, END, with no coordinates or values in between).
thanks again and hope you can help with it!
Saltwater wedge
I have developed a 3d mass transport model using feflow, when I want to show the results as a section in the results viewer, I can not see the saltwater wedge, but all what the viewer shows is the variation in the concentration as vertical strips (slope 90), which doesn not apply to what expected to be seen (henry case).
Any one has an idea where the problem is...