Neumann-BC showing in rate bugdet without having assigned it
I have a model area with no flow BC (so no BC assigned) along the whole outer boundary line. Inside the model, I have a lake with a Cauchy BC. I get a pretty good result for steady state (close to zero) when I check the rate budget. However, sometimes I get a smaller inflow (approximately -30 m^3/d) from a Neumann BC that I'm sure I have not assigned. How is that possible?
Thankful for any help or tips I can get!
/Frida -
Conflictin?g slice elevation
I've just started using Feflow and I've some problem creating my multi-layer model. I've imported a topograghy Point- shapefile which I used to link the elevtion to the the top 4 layers (I want them to have the same shape but with a certain distance from each other). I also have a Point shape file of the rock Surface layer that I want to assign the elevation data to the two remaining layers in Feflow. When I do this I get a "conflicting slice elevation" error message. I get the message since the ground Surface elevation will have the same value as the mountain peaks (or in all the places where the rock is above ground Surface) but how do I get around that? Is there a way to make them coincide above the ground surface or another way to solve this problem?
Thankful for all the help I can get!