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  • Flux Boundary Condition With Fixed Head Constraint

    I am a new user of FEFLOW - any help would be much appreciated.

    I have a model with inflow on the model boundary that has the highest elevation.
    The general flow of water through the model (and the prototype aquifer) is from this boundary to the opposite side of the model, which has the lowest elevation.
    The model is steady state with two layers, both unconfined, with a free surface.
    Slice 1 is free & movable, slice 2 is unspecified, and slice 3 is fixed.
    The model also has surface recharge.

    Using rounded numbers:
    - the total inflow on the boundary is 1,000 m3 / day
    - the inflow boundary is 5 km long and the model is 500 m thick at the boundary.
    I have applied a flux boundary condition of 0.0004 m / day to both layers (i.e., to the total thickness of the model at that boundary.

    Is that the correct way to apply the flux boundary condition?

    I have also applied a fixed head constraint to the boundary, because the ground level along the boundary is not horizontal.
    I applied a maximum hydraulic head equal to the minimum ground level along the boundary.
    This hydraulic head is about 450 m above slice 3 (the bottom of the model), which is horizontal.

    Is this the correct way to apply a maximum head constraint to a flux boundary condition?

    If this is correct, does this mean that the flux boundary condition is never actually applied by FEFLOW to more than the bottom 450 m on the inflow boundary of my model?

    Keith Adams.