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  • Format series

    how do I insert a series into a plot and represent it with points joined by lines? I can not change the type of plot; in Format, there are no point entries (Immagine), as appearing in previous projects (Immagine 2).. why?
  • SRT upper limit in ASM1

    I'm simulating an aerobic digestion with ASM1; I'm using a tradional ASU block; I read that the upper limit on SRT for validity of the model to single sludge systems is about 30 days; so, since my SRT is superior (40 days), what problems can I find?

  • Re: Oxygen transfer rate

    Ok, I try with a calculator variable.

    Another question:  How is the "Aeration Energy" calculated by the software? and "Mixing Energy"?

  • Oxygen transfer rate

    How can I determine the oxygen transfer rate (OTR) under operating conditions in an ASU? There is the Kla measurement, but not the OTR.

    Thank you
  • Plug flow reactor Simulation

    how do I simulate a plug flow reactor for a tracer test? is there a PFR block in West 2016? or I can just use many CSTR reactors in series to simulate a PFR reactor.

  • cumulative curve of a variable

    in West 2016, I would like to create a graph of a cumulative curve, for example, I would like to know the total sludge obtained after X days; how do I create this variable?

  • default value of K_NH3_NH in ASM1_AN


    I use WEST 2014; in ASM1_AN, K_NH3_NH is expressed in gNH3-N/m3, infact in the expression of the aerobic growth of AOB, it is converted to N-NH4+.
    The default value of K_NH3_NH (expressed in gNH3-N/m3) is 0.75; this value, according to the Anthonisen equation for the conversion to ammonia nitrogen, is approximately equal to 48 gNH4-N/m3 (at Temperature = 20 ° C and pH = 7.5); it is a very high value for half-saturation constant for ammonia oxidation! Instead, in ASM1, K_NH seems to be expressed as N-NH4+, infact in the expression of the aerobic growth of AOB, there is not a conversion to N-NH4+; however, in Block Details the unit of measurement is gNH3-N/m3; is this an error? The default value of K_NH in ASM1 is 1; this value, expressed in gN-NH4+/m3 is consistent with the ammonia oxidation process.

    Thank you,

  • Re: New model to control DO in aerobic tank

    Thank you very much
  • Re: New model to control DO in aerobic tank


    I don't understand the sequence of the blocks. The cycle is: the aerator receive DO, V_ASU, SRT from the tank and return the kLa at the tank, right? How does PI controller receive DO measurement as input? From aerator or tank? And return (output signal 'u') Q_Air? What connects the output of controller?

    Thank you for your availability
  • Re: New model to control DO in aerobic tank

    Looking more carefully I saw that there is a controller Aerator (that on Model Editor is called irvine_carbon_footprint). I think it might be useful to me. In a few words, given Q_air returns O2_tank, right? Could you tell me please more about how to use this block? Which variables I have to select on the links?
