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    At the end of FEFLOW 7.0 installation, a window appears with the following text "The installation could not recognize one of these supported Visual C++ versions:
    Visual C++ 2005
    Visual C++ 2008
    Visual C++ 2008 Express
    Visual C++ 2010
    Visual C++ 2010 Express
    Visual C++ 2012
    Visual C++ 2012 Express
    Visual C++ 2013
    Visual C++ 2013 Express
    Visual C++ 2015
    Visual C++ 2015 Express
    The registration of the FEFLOW IFM wizard for Visual C++ can be performed later on by reinstalling the IFM SDK."

    Visual C++ 2015 is already installed on my computer, so i don't know how to solve this problem.
    Does anyone knows how to solve it? Thanks a lot