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  • Computed borehole thermal resistance

    I have a basic question. When I'm simulating a BHE with a computed borehole thermal resistance, how can I see, after the simulation has run, which is the borehole thermal resistance computed? I don't know where to find it... :-s
    Thanks a lot.

  • Re: Reference Temperature (To)

    Thanks a lot Peter!!
  • Re: Reference Temperature (To)

    Dear Lemonok

    I still have no solution for the problem..I saw your posts and I think that we are facing the same problem.
    My email is, if you wanna contact me about the topic in a more direct way.
    For the rest, I'm hoping someone will answer to our questions/solve our doubts!

  • Reference Temperature (To)- BHE loop

    Dear all.

    I'm a new user of FEFLOW-5.4 for BHE modeling.
    Basically I want to reconstruct a Thermal Response Test data set (evolution of temperature along time, for more or less 3 days), but I haven't managed yet to reconstruct the curve. The principle problem is related to reference temperature as far as it is controlling the inlet temperature. If I use a constant reference temperature I will never be able to have the profile of inlet temperature that I have in the real case.
    (Ah, I've worked with a variable power, inserted in the "time varying functions" in BHE boundary condition and settled as the power rate for my BHE).
    Then reading this forum I got to know about the BHE loop module, I'd installed it and had tried, without success, to put a temperature differential to the top node of the BHE following the tutorial (thinking that maybe the variable power was not working properly). No way, I couldn't make it. Probably I'm not doing the right procedure.
    Anyone can help me?  Anyone ever tried to reconstruct a real TRT curve?
    Thanks a lot.