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  • Re: Energy diaphragms walls - Pipe Layout

    Hello, It's me again.

    I don't understand why there is difference between a certain volume and the nodes which are forming volume in terms of Storage Capture/Release or BCs. I understand that an element has several nodes. In my model I tried with a small volume having 32 elements. When I convert the selection to 3D nodes, I obtain 50 nodes. On the Period-Budget the quantities measured in Joules mentioned above are different and I don't know why and how to find a connection between them.

    What exactly Storage Capture/Release means? It means that my domain of interest is receiving heat for the surroundings/giving heat to surroundings? Based on DOI initial temperature?
    Which is the difference between Storage Capture/Release and Internal Transfer? I don't understand why I can't obtain Internal Transfer at the nodes, but only at surfaces/volumes that containes those nodes!?

    Thank you!
  • Re: Energy diaphragms walls - Pipe Layout

    Thank you! I will do some extra research and come with more definite questions. Where can I find the theoretical background for FELFOW in order to better understand the boundary conditions, mainly Cauchy for heat transfer? I need to find a correspondence between heat transfer coefficient and the temperature applied within this boundary condition for modelling the excavation air temperature and external air temperature.
  • Energy diaphragms walls - Pipe Layout


    I need to make a 3D model of a diaphragm wall having pipes tied to the reinforcing cast inside the wall. Pipes are connected with a heat pump and they purpose is changing heat with the ground and excavation air surrounding the wall. The problem I encountered is about modeling the pipes within the wall. The inlet fluid inside them has a certain velocity and temperature according to the period of the year. (summer, winter)

    As I read, I need discrete features for defining them, right? But I don't know how to use them, any help?

    I thought about a different solution: Modeling a horizontal slice of the wall, 2D, containing the pipes to determine the most efficient layout afterwards extrapolating the results into 3D model, where instead of pipes, I would set a surface behaving like a heat source or sink, with a certain heat flux, obtained in 2D which represents the fluid velocity and temperature. I need the heat exchanged between the inlet and outlet and that's why I don't know if this would work. Do you think this solution works?

    Thank you for your time!