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  • Re: feflow5.3 - conductivity problem

    Yes, I had "free&movable" on the first layer. Now I try to do a simulation setting up "phreatic".
  • feflow5.3 - conductivity problem

    Hi everyone,
    I have found a problem with Feflow v. 5.311 regarding the hydraulic conductivity. I am working with a 3D model (5 layers) and I ve noted that, after the first run (flow only - steady flow - unconfined (phreatic) acquifer), if I load the results (file .dac) and I go back to the problem editor, the hydraulic conductivity is modified. Specifically, I observe that the conductivity values are changed in every slices and they never correspond to values assigned to the model before the steady run. Has anyone ever had this sort of problem?
    Thank you for the help.
