Hi everyone,
I'm trying to assign time-varying data (source/sink). After finally realising, that time series input is currently (Feflow 6) limited to boundary and boundary constraint conditions :-\, I now use the old interface 5.4. :)
I then started importing time series using the command JOIN. After I also realised that I have to use a point-shape file for joining data, I finally made it to the point of actually applying my time varying data.
And now I get the error message "Insufficient memory available! Block of xxxxxxxx kBytes could not be allocated! Sorry..." followed by the message "Impossible to produce a variogramm due to bad data. Now termination!" :o ???
Within the web forum, I found two topics with the same error message, but both appeared on different actions (mesh generator and particle tracking), so after trying all I now, I'm at my limits and am asking for your help!!!
Thanks for the help I'll take a look at those zones!!!!! :)
Hello all,
we are working on a 2D-steady-state modell, using Feflow 6, with the new user interface and all patches available.
During calibration, we have encountered the following problem:
after hitting RUN once, the resulting heads and water balance show a solution (no 1), after hitting RUN again the following resulting heads and water balance show a solution no 2, and so on and on (after 10 times hitting RUN I gave up counting :-\) without changing anything and working steady-state. :o
The results don't change much but it's noticeable. Returning to the older interface of the program gives a complete different solution, leaving me in question which solution to use for further working.
Can anybody please explain that phenomenon and has a solution to it???
Thanks for the help!!!! :)