• Initial conditions

    Hi everyone,
    I am a user of Mike Hydro and I am trying to model a river. I have query on initial condition.
    I use discharge data as upstream boundary condition and I set local values for initial conditions. In the HD initial condition section, I put the initial water level=3.07 meters (upstream) as local values but after running the simulation my initial simulated water level in upstream is almost 1 meter. I am somehow confused why the initial condition cannot affect my results. In other words, I set water level=3.07 meters but my results did not show 3.07 meters.
    Please help me what I should do.

  • Re: ERROR: Processed flow areas must be positive.

    Dear all,
    I have identified that my the error appeared due to a problem in my cross sections' datum. I am working on it.
    I just want to guide users who faced this error.

  • ERROR: Processed flow areas must be positive.

    Dear all,
    I am simulating a river model with some cross sections. Unfortunately, I faced this error:

    ERROR: Processed flow areas must be positive.
                        Cross section at reach 'XXXX', chainage 2000.00 m.

    Please help me to remove this error.

  • Re: Tidal condition

    Hi Mathieu,
    Thanks for your helpful information. Yes, I have checked the datum of both river data and tide data. I have changed my tide height data in order to have the same altimetric reference.
  • Tidal condition

    Dear all,
    I am using Mike 11 to model a river which flows to the sea. I have created tidal boundary conditions using Mike 21 tool box. Tide heights have negative values. However, I want to use tide heights as water level boundary conditions, and water level values cannot be negative.
    Please guide me if I can simply use generated tide heights of Mike 21 tool box as boundary conditions (water level) in Mike 11.
    Or do I need to change tide heights to positive values?
