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  • Re: RESOLVED: PEST 12.1.0 and FEFLOW 6.0 "Cannot open model output file"

    I continue with the problem.

    The template file is ok because when I replace the the text between symbols % ....% by a number, FEFLOW is working well.

    The problem is the new fem file that was generated by PEST. Effectively when I compared with a text comparer the file generated by PEST and the original generated by FEFLOW, the diferences are at the end of the lines. So I thought that is my way of converting the file from LF to CRLF.

    I converted directly with SFK and I had the message saying that the file has been converted correctly, but FEFLOW continues without running with this file. Also when I tried to compare the converted file and the previous one with the text comparer, there aren´t differences.

    There are more ways of converting this files or checking that the conversion was did it properly? I´m surprised that not more people is detecting this problem. Can be related with the last version of PEST? because I don´t see that previously this problem was detected.
  • Re: RESOLVED: PEST 12.1.0 and FEFLOW 6.0 "Cannot open model output file"

    I have exactly the same problem.

    Nevertheless I didn´t solve it.

    Now it is true that the file.fem has been  created (before as you said it wasn´t) but the file that is created it is not opened by Feflow.

    Actually if I try to open the new fem file directly with Feflow I have an error message saying that "Unexpected file data are found. Terminating..." and "control data of fem input are not avalaible".

    My question is if I converted the file to be read by PEST, then I would have to convert it again to Feflow?. In this case instead of two conversions (for the .fem and for the results) I would have to do four (doing and undoing the conversion)?
