• Re: Coupling Feflow and Phreeqc

    I would be very interested in learning how to link FEFLOW and PHREEQC, also!!!
    The USGS has a finite difference flow and transport code coupled to PHREEQC called PHAST (http://wwwbrr.cr.usgs.gov/projects/GWC_coupled/phast/index.html), but I would rather use FEFLOW.

    Please let me know if you figure it out!
  • lake modeling

    Is there a way to model the filling of a lake or reservoir in feflow? Modflow has a lake package that can be used to model lakes.

    I realize that you could model the flux out of the groundwater, and use an external water balance program. However, I would like to model the effect of the lake on the groundwater system. So, I would prefer to use a coupled system in feflow.

    Another possibility would be to include the lake in the model mesh, and then set the lake porosity to 1 and the K to some high value.

    The coupled surface/groundwater modeling capability would be useful for river modeling, too.