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  • RE: Cannot use OpenLoop plugin

    Perhaps you could take a few minutes for a online TEAMS meeting?
  • RE: Cannot use OpenLoop plugin

    And the other printscreens...
  • RE: Cannot use OpenLoop plugin

    Hi Carlos Thanks a lot for your support. I think I managed to use the new well-manager (see attached printscreens) but something still seems a bit dodgy. After starting the simulation of the transient model, the temperatures in the model do not seem to change around the injection wells (see printscreen). I also attached a printscreen of matieral properties that I selected. Perhaps you can very easily spot which setting still needs to be changed so that I can see some sort of zone of colder water around the injection wells. Thanks a lot for your help in advance! Martin
  • Cannot use OpenLoop plugin

    Hello I need some help on how to laod the OpenLoop plugin. Can anyone help me please? Usually I click on the plugin name "OpenLoop"  and then on the green cross to select the plugin (OpenLoop.dll file and OpenLoop_x64.dll file are available) and make it appear in Feflow under "Data". In my case, the plugin does not appear in the "Data" section of Feflow. If I select, the OpenLoop.dll file, I get the error message: FEFLOW ERROR (unknown): Cannot load "Z:\OpenLoop\OpenLoop.dll": ifm312_81.dll: The module was not found. If I select, the OpenLoop_x64.dll file, nothing happens. Could the problem be related to the FEFLOW version? I have versions 7.1 (64 bit), 7.3, 7.4, 7.5, 8.1. Just for info: I have several shallow geothermal wells (pairs of extraction and infiltration wells) in my groundwater model and would like to connect two wells with the plugin. I created three time series for the extraction, the infiltration and the temperature difference. Thanks a lot for your help! Martin