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  • POW file units?

    I have a 3-D model using version 5.3 which I use to construct 3-D pathlines. Here is the sequence of menus/dialogs:

    3D Options
    Pathline ...

    This starts the 3D Pathline Dialog box where the following options are selected:
        Start on 2D slice
        Multiple pathlines around well
        Start new pathlines ...

    Upon selecting the well and drawing the pathline, I am presented a new option on the 3D pathline controller dialog box:
        2D projections ....

    Pressing this brings up a new dialog, 2D Projections. I select
        Vertical plane defined by
        Segment (selecting a predefine line segment
        Show ...

    FEFLOW shows the pathlines projected onto the vertical slice. Returning to the 2D Projections dialog, I press
        Save curves for diagram ....

    This allows me to save all drawn pathlines a series of POW functions.

    The question is: "What are the units of these pathlines?" They do not appear to be in global coordinates. Could they be in local coordinates? Or possibly a coordinate system related to the drawing?