
PAYG is one of the offerings that allows our customer to run ALL MIKE Powered by DHI products on Microsoft's Cloud platform Azure. Even if you don't have a license, you can easily start a simulation by purchasing a 'pre-configured' machine that includes the necessary license.  

The price consists of two items:  Hardware and Licensing. The hardware price varies depending on which machine you choose and how long the machine is running. The Azure platform is equipped with the most advanced hardware within your local region to make sure the simulation runs with no limitation. The licensing price is fixed as $12, $8 and $5USD/hour for MIKE Zero, MIKE+ and FEFLOW respectively.

PAYG is also introduced as an ideal substitute for MIKE 'SaaS' (Software as a Service). It continues the legacy of SaaS with even more reduced administration and even better user experience. Instead of setting up your own virtual machine simply use our offering on Azure.

PAYG is available in our latest software version. The billing will be sent directly to the customer by Microsoft on a monthly basis. 

There are just 4 steps to start PAYG: 

#01 - Sign in your Microsoft Azure Account (or Register a Microsoft Azure account)

#02 - Select a MIKE Powered by DHI Product

#03 - Create and connect to your selected Virtual Machine

#04 - Start your simulation

#01 - Sign in your Microsoft Azure Account (or Register a Microsoft Azure account)
We shall use MIKE Zero as an example.

Browse to Pay As You Go (PAYG) for MIKE Zero from this page  Microsoft Azure Marketplace.

Please note the price is listed as an hourly price. Click on 'Get It Now' you will be promoted to 'Sign In' or 'Register a Microsoft Azure Account' - see Fig. 1.

Fig. 1 - It requires to 'Sign In' or 'Register a  Microsoft Azure Account'

#02 - Select a MIKE Powered by DHI Product
Check the 'Overview' and hardware price under 'Plans + Pricing'.

By accepting the provider's  terms and privacy statement, you are ready to create your own virtual machine - see Figs. 2 - 3.

Fig. 2 - Check the overview and price 

Fig. 3 - Accepting terms and privacy agreement by clicking 'Continue' 

#03 - Create and connect to your selected Virtual Machine
Fill in the necessary information and click on 'Review + Create'.

The billing will start after the virtual machine is created - see Fig. 4.

Fig. 4 - Fill in the information, the * is mandatory

Connect to the created machine and download the .rdp file - see Fig. 5.

Fig. 5 - Download the .rdp file

Click on the .rdp file from your computer then the 'Remote Desktop Connection' page will popup - see Fig. 6. Then fill in the password you just created.  

Fig. 6 - Connect to the 'Remote Desktop Connection' page

#04 - Start your simulation 
Browse to 'MIKE Zero' folder from your computer and you are ready to start your simulation. 

Tips: We highly recommend you to download the result files before shutting down (deallocate) your virtual machine.


MIKE on Azure landing page 

MIKE Zero: MIKEZeroOnMicrosoftAzureMarketplace

MIKE+: MIKEPlusOnMicrosoftAzureMarketplace

FEFLOW: FEFLOWonMicrosoftAzureMarketplace

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