The Well Manager in FEFLOW is a useful tool when working with a large number of wells and designing various model scenarios.
In the following video tutorial - FEFLOW | How to import large datasets with the Well Manager - you will learn how to import a large well datasets, get a step-by-step overview of the workflow, and pick up useful tips and tricks. The tutorial example is formatted as a shapefile, but FEFLOW can handle various data formats such as database files, spreadsheets or xml files.
The well manager can also be modified with the Python API, which makes controlling well operations in FEFLOW models even easier. For more information how to use python ifm in FEFLOW please visit the help pages and self-paced courses linked below.
Manuals and Guidelines
FEFLOW 10.0 Documentation - Well Manager
FEFLOW 10.0 Documentation - FEFLOW and Python
ifm: Python API for FEFLOW Groundwater Modelling System
Training courses
DHI Training Portal - Getting started with FEFLOW Python Interface
DHI Training Portal - Enhancing groundwater modelling workflows with the latest python interface