
Description of problem
In MIKE Zero Release 2023, after having calculated the statistics for a dfsu file in Data Manager and saved the statistics results in a new dfsu file, the new dfsu file could not reopen in MIKE Zero.

A MIKE Zero hotfix has been created to correct this. To apply this hotfix, you need to have MIKE Zero Release 2023 installed.  Download the hotfix MIKE Zero 2023 hotfix 23-03-2023 from the Download Center.  The downloaded hotfix is a .zip file. You need to unzip the file, run the .exe file and follow the onscreen instruction to install the hotfix.

NOTE 1: You are always recommended to re-start your computer after the installation of the hotfix.

NOTE 2:  This problem is only present in MIKE Zero Release 2023, and it has been solved in MIKE Zero Release 2024.


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Download MIKE Zero 2023 hotfix 23-03-2023 directly.


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