

In order to assign time-variant data to parameters like boundary conditions or material properties, time-series need to be imported as power files. Such files are ASCII formatted text files and have the file ending .pow. They must contain two columns, the first one for the time-step and the second with the parameter value. Power files can contain one single or multiple time-series in one file. The specific formatting and how these files can be generated are described in the following workflow.



Two practical approaches are demonstrated:

Option #1 -  Generate a .pow file from an excel sheet
In Excel you can arrange your time-stepping and your parameter data (e.g. measured hydraulic heads) in two columns and save it as an ASCII formatted text file (.txt). The file should be organized in such ways, that x-values correspond to time-steps and y-values to the variable being stored. The first line starts with a hashtag plus the label of the time-series. This label will be displayed when selecting the time-series in FEFLOW. The second and third line start with an exclamation mark and are reserved for comments. Time-steps and data start in line 4. Please note that time-steps need to be given in numeric format and NOT in some sort of date format (e.g. 2024-03-01). You can combine several time-series by appending them to each other divided by an 'END' tag (see example below)

# ID1
! Comment line for time series 1
! ...
x1 y1
x2 y2
xm ym

# ID2
! Comment line for time series 2
! ...
x1 y1
x2 y2
xn yn

# IDx

! Comment line for time series x
! ...

x1 y1
x2 y2

 xo yo

The last time-series is closed with a double 'END' tag. Once the columns are completed, one may save the file and change the extension from .txt to .pow .

Option #02 - Copy and edit existing power files
Alternatively, one can copy an existing time-series from the Time Series Editor in FEFLOW. Choose a time-series and export it to a destination within your FEFLOW model data folder. Rename the file, edit the time-series and re-import it into FEFLOW.



Manuals and Guidelines

FEFLOW 10.0 Documentation - FEFLOW Time Series
FEFLOW 10.0 Documentation - Time Series Editor

Related Products: FEFLOW
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