
The coastline in Littoral Processes FM is specified by a line series file (dfs1). The baseline is a line defined by the start position, direction and extension. In the dfs1 file the baseline is defined by equidistant grid steps. The distance, measured perpendicular to the baseline, from a grid point on the baseline to the coastline position (MWL=0)), defines the coastline position for that particular grid point - see Fig. 1. 
You can create the coastline data file (dfs1) to use as input to the Littoral Processes FM model by using functionality in the Bathymetry Editor in MIKE Zero. 
Fig. 1 - Definition of coastline


This includes the following steps:

#01 - Open the Bathymetry editor and create a work-space for the relevant area
The Bathymetry Editor is accessed from MIKE Zero as Bathymetries (.batsf). The working area is defined in two successive dialogs in the start - see Fig. 2.

Fig. 2 - Defining extent of workspace area

#02 - Add measured coastline points from xyz file to background
Data is inserted into the Bathymetry editor by first importing the data into the background - see fig. 3

Fig. 3 - Importing point data into background in Bathymetry Editor

#03 - Import the XYZ data from the background
Next select the 'Import from background' icon and highlight the data points you want to use for the bathymetry generation - see Fig. 4.
Once done click the 'Import from background' icon again and the data will be imported to the active layer - see Fig. 5.

Fig. 4 - Selecting points to import from background

Fig. 5 - Imported xyz data from background

#04 - Create new baseline 
Click Work Area -> Line Bathymetry Management, and select 'New... - see Fig. 6.
In the two new dialogs specify the origin of the baseline, and the type of 1D bathymetry (here Coastline position) along with the grid spacing and number of grid points to use in the new dfs1 file – see Fig. 7. 

Clicking OK will show the baseline in the display – see Fig. 8.

Fig. 6 - Selecting Line Bathymetry Management to create new line

 Graphical user interface, application, email<br><br>Description automatically generated

Fig. 7 - Specifying properties of baseline

Fig. 8 - Baseline shown in display with imported coastline points

#05 – Interpolate coastline data
Open the Line Bathymetry Management dialog, highlight the baseline in the list and click the 'Interpolate...' button. Specify the search radius from the baseline, and click OK - see Fig. 9.
This will interpolate the line bathymetry file based on baseline and selected coordinate points. Click the OK button when interpolation is done.

Fig. 9 - Specifying Interpolation options.

#06 – Create coastline data file
After the interpolation press the 'Export...' button to export the coastline data to a new dfs1 file - see Fig 10.

Fig. 10 - Specifying Interpolation options.

#07 – Viewing resulting coastline
The file is now ready for use. You can open the coastline file in the Profile Series editor - see Fig. 11.
Note that you can use the Profile Series editor to modify the values in the dfs1 file and add additional items for the coastline description, e.g. active depth.
Fig. 12 shows the coastline imported in the Littoral Process model.

Fig. 11 - Resulting coastline data in dfs1 file as shown in Profile Series Editor

Fig. 12 - Coastline shown in Littoral Processes FM model


Manuals and User Guides

Bathymetry Editor User Guide (see p. 105-137)


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