
How do I authorise my ArcGIS Desktop Single Use license for MIKE URBAN?

The authorisation process for an ArcGIS Desktop Single Use license for MIKE URBAN starts in the DHI License Manager.  (Details are found here.)

You have to go through the following four steps: 

#01 - Save the .eslf file you received from DHI on your local hard drive
#02 - Import the MIKE URBAN license 
#03 - Choose MIKE URBAN 2020 from the left-side menu in DHI License Management, then click ‘Authorize ArcGIS…’ (Fig. 1) 

Fig.1 - Click Authorize ArcGIS

#04 - Follow the screen instructions to authorize the ArcGIS Desktop license (Figs. 2 - 4)


Fig. 2 - Choose Authorize ArcGIS License...

Fig. 3 - Browse to the location where the .eslf file was saved and click Open


Fig. 4 - License authorization completed, click OK



ArcGIS Administrator/Changing/selecting the type of use (Concurrent or Single)
KA-01146  - DHI Customer Care Portal

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