MIKE+ Water Distribution (EPANET) simulation failed with the message “Exception happened during INP file Import" - see Fig. 1. Why?
Fig. 1 - Simulation error code
The presence of special characters may lead to problems when simulations are exported to EPANET and may result in different error messages
One type of error message can be seen in Fig. 2.
Fig. 2 - Typical error message when unexpected settings are created in the INP file
Fig. 3 - Another type of error message
The cases in Fig. 2 and Fig. 3 refer to a failed attempt to export the model setup to EPANET and may refer to unhandled characters such as < > ? " : | \ / * .
Please check your database name and your scenario ID
Note: Not all special characters are forbidden - you may use – _ and & in the naming convention.
Please revise your naming conventions and try to avoid the use of special characters. The special characters include alphabetic characters used exclusively in some specific languages.
Release Notes
Release Notes- MIKE+
Training Options
MIKE+ WD - Getting started with water distribution modelling
MIKE+ | Addressing water distribution modelling holistically