
All MIKE Powered by DHI software have manuals and online help that are hosted on a website. 

For accessing the online help press F1 or the Help button for a given dialogue.  

To access the manuals (in pdf-format) a link to a Documentation Index listing the manuals is included with the installation.  

You can also access the latest version of the manuals directly without installing the software. Links to the overall Documentation Index files are given below: 

#01DHI License Manager and Internet License User Guide 



#04 MIKE Core SDK 

#05MIKE URBAN (Release 2020, including links to e.g. MOUSE reference manuals) 

#06MIKE Zero (including links to e.g. MIKE 21, MIKE HYDRO and MIKE SHE documentation) 


#08 MIKE+ Installation Guide including ArcGIS 

#09 WEST 

Note 1: If you are interested in an older version of the MIKE documentation, copy the link above and replace ‘latest’ with the given release year, e.g. ‘2022’. 

Note 2: Additional documentation can be downloaded from the MIKE Download Center.   

The documentation for MIKE CLOUD functionality and tools is only available for the latest release. An overall Documentation Index can be accessed via the link below:



Product information on MIKE Powered by DHI website