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Posted Mon, 26 May 2014 03:20:25 GMT by Ondrej_Janku
Hi all,

does anyone came across the the MIKE URBAN 'File Error 305: cannot open hydraulics file' when trying to run EPANET simulation?

Do you know what is causing the problem?

It ussually seems to be a random issue, one day the water distribution model runs fine, other day not.

Posted Tue, 27 May 2014 18:03:03 GMT by Thomas Telegdy
Sometimes this error is due to special characters in the path to the database (to the inp-file to be more precise, because the error message comes from the engine). If your path looks like

C:\Users\anton.bruckner\Desktop\Anton\Calcul-Hydraulique\MIKE URBAN\BA_AW.mdb



instead. Perhaps this solves your problem.

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