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Posted Mon, 04 Jun 2018 07:31:27 GMT by M.H.M
Hello everyone,

I have a drinks water model in mike urban and I am not sure how can I register a pump station and write the correct pumps curve in the model.
In an Epanet model I remember in terms of knowing the pump type and the name of the pump  like, NP 3153 HT 3/456 the model could search for the pump and automatically found the pump curve but i am not sure how is it works in Mike urban model.

Would you please guide me how is it works?

Posted Mon, 04 Jun 2018 07:37:02 GMT by Mohit Jangid
Hi Erik,
You have to specify Pump Curve for all pumps in the definition menu. For this. Once you open pump menu from Epanet>Pumps, select table under pump type and select the Q-H relation and Efficiency curve for the pump. see attachment.

Posted Mon, 04 Jun 2018 10:56:43 GMT by M.H.M
Hi. Great. I will try.


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