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Posted Thu, 17 Mar 2016 15:36:16 GMT by Laura Casas

I am trying to run network+2D overland but it appears an error all the time. First it says that: Unexpected happens during MU Flooding preprocessing. And the error file says: An exception occurred of type 'System.OutOfMermoryException'.
I don't have enough memory in my computer? Someone has any suggestions ?


Posted Thu, 17 Mar 2016 22:24:42 GMT by Ricardo Machado Student
Hello Laura,

Yes, it seems that you have run out of memory. But you can check the Task Manager to clear that up.
I think you have 2 options:
1) Increase the time step and/or decrease the simulation time, so it doesn't require as much memory.
2) Buy more memory

Best regards,
Ricardo Machado

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