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Posted Mon, 29 Feb 2016 14:53:01 GMT by Laura Casas

I am trying to do a LTS simulation, from Job list criteria. I think I am not chosing correctly the values for start and stop criteria, because when I try to simulate an ordinary network, an error appears. It says: Error 662 : StartTime for Simulation is after end of last job in joblist.
Is someone know what I should change?

Posted Wed, 20 Jul 2016 08:30:30 GMT by Michel Jaeger ausgeschieden
I assume you did generate a Joblist already. In this case you should find the .MJL File in your project directory. You can open this File with Text Editor. There you will see all the generated jobs. Take "Simulation_start" from the first Job in the list and "Simulation_end" from the last one and use those times as Start/End times in the Computation Dialog in Mike Urban.

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