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Posted Mon, 26 Nov 2012 20:47:05 GMT by Brett Laplante Project Engineer
I am attempting to make some Plan Profiles, interfacing ArcMap with Mike Urban to do so.  Using the Longitudinal Profiles feature of Mike Urban, is there a way to change the default colour scheme of the pipes, manholes and ground elevation?  The remainder of the graphical and tabular items are not of concern.

Posted Wed, 28 Nov 2012 23:50:27 GMT by Ondrej_Janku
Hi Brett,
I just have a MU WD module opened, but it going to be the same in MU CS.
When you plot a longitudinal profile, right click on it using your mouse, this gets you into the Properties (first from a top),
then go to Graphical Items and customise whatever, colours, line thickness of you can specify what addional feature you want to see pressing the add button.
Posted Tue, 04 Dec 2012 16:53:36 GMT by Brett Laplante Project Engineer
I appreciate the feedback Ondrej.  I am still using Mike Urban 2011 so perhaps this concern has been addressed with the new 2012 release.  However, I perhaps should have specified that the reason that the other graphical and tabular items were not of concern is because they are readily changeable using the procedure you have described.  Unfortunately, I have been unable to find the option anywhere to adjust the pipe line colour or weight within the longitudinal profile properties.  For our purposes, the light blue (forgive my colour blind eyes if the named colour is off) line of weight ~2-3pt is not the preferred style.  My understanding is that the option to change these features would be under "Axis" or "Symbols and Fonts". Any thoughts?

Posted Mon, 27 May 2013 14:01:21 GMT by Elena Gokonova
Hi all,
Could you, please, help me to find an option to save longitudinal profile as a *.LPF file (in MU 2011 or 2012 version)?
I would like to upload the profiles on the graphical view of the simulation launcher  as it is described in “12.3 Design simulation and output” of the “CollectionSystem.pdf” manual.

Thank you.
Posted Mon, 03 Jun 2013 11:27:22 GMT by Ralf Engels
Hi Elena,

you can create LPF files from within MIKE View. Just open a PRF file of the setup, create the LP, right click in it and choose "Save Profile". In the DemoPipeDesign example file which is installed with the other examples of MIKE URBAN you can see a LPF file syntax and also create it manually by just choosing FROMNODE and TONODE along the longitudinal profile path.

Best Regards

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