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Posted Thu, 21 Feb 2013 14:08:57 GMT by Elbys Jose Meneses

I am trying to open OLD-Mouse files (.UND, .DWF, .HGF, .MPR, .MTF) with the new mike urban. I haven't been able to find any guideline on how to do this conversion. I was wondering if somebody could help me with this.

Posted Fri, 22 Feb 2013 07:06:32 GMT by Ralf Engels
Hi Elbys Jose Meneses,

you can open MOUSE files by using the import interface of MIKE URBAN. There you can find a MOUSE import that allows reading whole MOUSE projects including UND, HGF, DWF etc. Simply choose the MPR file for import and execute it without any adjustments. You can find the import interface in the File menu.

Best Regards

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