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Posted Wed, 26 Jan 2022 13:33:20 GMT by Mark Hansen Copenhagen University
I'm having technical problems using Mike Zero Toolbox. I'm using the Time Series Batch Conversion tool, to convert a single text file (ASCII) with a Date column (1) and a value column (2) to dfs0 format.

The input date is in YYYY-MM-DD with a daily time interval, but the output date in the dfs0 file is DD/MM/YYYY HH:MM:SS with a 10 second time interval. I'm interested in an output with daily time interval, however no matter what I do the output date is the same. I've previously used MIKE SHE 2021 and did not encounter this problem, but I am currently using MIKE SHE 2022.

Thank you for your time and consideration,

Mark Hansen
Posted Thu, 27 Jan 2022 08:03:38 GMT by Mark Hansen Copenhagen University
I can confirm, based on feedback from DHI group customer care, that it is in fact a bug in MIKE 2022. So if anyone else encounter this problem, it works fine using MIKE 2021. Otherwise it should probably be fixed in the near future.

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