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Posted Tue, 26 Sep 2017 08:40:21 GMT by Søren Poulsen
Dear FEFLOW community and supporters,

FEFLOW facilitates batch processing of model runs by means of the command line mode. Is it possible to batch the export of budget files from the resulting .dac files in a similar manner?

I am sorry if the topic is redundant!

Kind regards,

Posted Mon, 02 Oct 2017 09:25:09 GMT by Björn Kaiser
The command line mode of FEFLOW provides several flags for different command line options. API functions (Application programmers Interface) such as retrieving the budgets are not included.

A simple and powerful alternative is provided by the FEFLOW API. You may either write a script (Python) or a plugin (C/C++). Is it an option for you? If yes, please let me know if you are interested in retrieving the budgets by looping through nodes or if you are interested in accessing the Budget-History Charts?

Posted Thu, 04 Jan 2018 08:02:34 GMT by Søren Poulsen
Hi Björn,

Thank you for taking the time to answer my question.

I am interested in the Period Budget. I have previously exported budgets during simulations using the FEFLOW C++ API. I just wanted to know if I could save time developing a module for my current work if the option for budget export was already avaliable in batch processing.

Best regards,
Posted Mon, 08 Jan 2018 11:20:57 GMT by Björn Kaiser
Sure, if you write a module / script for retrieving the budgets you can save a remarkable amount of time. One option is to retrieve the budgets via the budget histories. You can retrieve the histories anytime (e.g. during the simulation or after the simulation). In my point of view, this option is the most comfortable way, because you do not need to loop through mesh nodes to retrieve the budgets.

The FEFLOW Demo data provide a sample Python script which illustrates the workflow (

Apart from retrieving the budget histories, the script also plots the histories as a png-file.

Please note, due to historical reasons the budget histories are available in single precision only.

Of course, alternative workflows for retrieving the budgets are also available. Please let me know if you do not like to use the histories.

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