thanks Björn!!
However, I wanted to know if a part for the whole chain of VOC's (PCE; TCE, DCE VC) that i can simulate,[b] how can I put other compounds (milk whey) that are not on the white papers V4- ch 1.9 explanations into the reaction kinetics?[/b], is there any one person that has ever come across to model a mutliple species or using a compound that has a lot of TOCs, to speed up de natual degradation?
or there is someone that has any idea how can i deal with the amounts of TOC (milk whey) that i am putting into the aquifer to make it understandable for feflow , the issue is that I have receive a model that was run on modflow GWvistas and the approaches for contaminants are already controlled by some specific packages (MT3D and RT3D), and there is plenty of parameters like half life, Koc, etc, that i have no idea how to deal with them, even if I ask for help wihin the feflow porblem settings on the chemical species, I get i message that i have not the "wxhelp.exe", is that an special help for the transport?
thanks again for your collaboration and also to all the persons participating in this forum