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Posted Thu, 18 Jun 2009 08:18:51 GMT by Marette Zwamborn

I have a rather simple model with a pumping well and an injection well in a layered aquifer, in superposition. The aquifer is covered by an aquitard. The wells are placed as multi-layered wells in the upper half of the aquifer.
I checked the calculated heads in the slices. In the slices where the well is placed, the calculated head corresponds to expected heads: lowering around the pumping well and rising heads around the injection well. But in the upper slice (above the aquitard), and at the bottom of the aquifer, in the area near the pumping wells the heads follow the opposite: there is a rise in the head near the extraction well! What do I do wrong?
I tried the iterative solver and the direct solver, they give the same result. I tried a different grid near the wells, I found that with a denser grid the effects got worse.
I attached the model, I run Feflow 5.3.

I appreciate your advise!
Posted Thu, 09 Jul 2009 08:50:41 GMT by Denim Umeshkumar Anajwala
You should try to refine the mesh vertically to get a better spatial resolution.

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