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Posted Fri, 19 Aug 2016 18:16:15 GMT by adacovsk

I thought I read somewhere about some new Timeseries ifm functions but I can't find anything.

Also, through FEFLOW, I'm trying to use Nodal expressions to assign timeseries, but I seem to be doing it wrong. What is the syntax to assign timeseries values via the expressoin editor?

Edit: Okay, so I figured out this: TS.1@(Time) works, but does not update until the expression is applied again to the nodes... Trying to figure out how to automatically update for each timestep.


Posted Mon, 12 Sep 2016 07:27:26 GMT by Denim Umeshkumar Anajwala
Hi Adam;
Please check out the following API functions for manipulating time-series data via IFM:

IfmGetPowerCurve , IfmDeletePowerCurve , IfmGetPowerInterpolationKind , IfmSetPowerInterpolationKind , IfmIsPowerCyclic , IfmSetPowerCyclic , IfmGetPowerComment , IfmSetPowerComment , IfmFindPowerCurve , IfmGetNumberOfPowerPoints , IfmGetPowerPoint , IfmSetPowerPoint , IfmDeletePowerPoint , IfmInterpolatePowerValue

'Time Series' used to be called 'Power Functions' in earlier versions of FEFLOW, thus the 'Power' in the function names.

Posted Tue, 14 Sep 2021 18:01:05 GMT by Assaf Wunsch
I know this post is old, but I found it both useful and incorrect, so others may find useful...

It appears that the function names related to power functions (time series) now have the word "power" always coming first:
So "InterpolatePowerValue" is now "powerInterpolateValue", "SetPowerPoint" is now "powerSetPoint" etc. (see image)

Posted Tue, 14 Sep 2021 22:03:17 GMT by Peter Schätzl Grundwassermodellierer
I might be wrong, but I think the situation is even more confusing: To my knowledge, the C++ API functions are still called as written in my earlier post, while the (newer) Python functions are named as cited by Assaf.
Posted Thu, 16 Sep 2021 10:19:23 GMT by Sophie Gruschka
The correct python functions can be found in our python API documentation on Github:

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