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Posted Mon, 27 Mar 2017 15:32:07 GMT by Juan Antonio Torres
Hello everyone!!!

I am a new FEFLOW user. At this moment I am building a 3D model of a coastal aquifer.

I have some information about piezometric levels (20 years) which I want to use as observation wells. The problem is that I do not know how to construct the file for this, for example, in which part I put the date of the piezometric level?

I would like to know if someone can help me in defining the time period in which I have each level, or if someone has a file that I can use as an example

Posted Tue, 28 Mar 2017 10:14:09 GMT by Björn Kaiser
You need to generate one or more ASCII-based files with the extension *.pow. Here is an example how the file format may look:

# ID1
! Comment line for time series 1
! ...
x1 y1
x2 y2
xm ym
# ID2
! Comment line for time series 2
! ...
x1 y1
x2 y2
xn yn
# IDn
! Comment line for time series n
! ...
x1 y1
x2 y2
xo yo

If you are new with FEFLOW, I suggest to go through the FEFLOW Introductory Tutorial:

This exercise called Friedrichshagen guides you step-by-step through the Graphical User Interface (GUI) of FEFLOW by setting up a 3D groundwater flow and mass transport model including wells. I also shows you how to work with time-dependent data as such as observation points.

You may download corresponding Demo data from our website:

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