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Posted Wed, 09 Dec 2020 04:48:08 GMT by Catalin Daniel Iosif Technical University of Cluj-Napoca Student
Hello! How do you usually consider longitudinal/tranverse dispersivity values for heat transfer? Default, 0 or different?

When I use a simple model to see the influence of this parameter I observe huge differences in temperature field. The material I used is concrete, therefore I firstly set dispersivity to 0 in the first case (full homogenius) followed by setting default values (5m/0.5m) in the second case. The results are in the attached image.

There is any table showing the most correct values to consider based on different criteria?

Thank you!

Posted Wed, 09 Dec 2020 09:09:09 GMT by Peter Schätzl Grundwassermodellierer
In a homogeneous material such as concrete, I'd expect dispersivity for heat transport to be small. If you think about heat plumes from open-loop geothermal installations, however, that move in a heterogeneous aquifer, I would put higher values. Note that there is a dependency between the length scale of the transport phenomenon and dispersivity, outlined for example in
Posted Sun, 13 Dec 2020 06:03:55 GMT by Catalin Daniel Iosif Technical University of Cluj-Napoca Student
Thank you!

I don't find anything clear about this parameter. Also, I don't clearly understand how heat conductivity along with volumetric heat capacity is calculated based on porosity and fluid/solid properties. I will do some simple models to better understand the last two terms. Please, help me if you have an answer at hand. Thank you in advance!
Posted Tue, 15 Dec 2020 04:46:41 GMT by Catalin Daniel Iosif Technical University of Cluj-Napoca Student
I understand, I hope, how the software calculates the conductivity after modeling two simple models. My conclusions are: Solid thermal conductivity = Bulk thermal conductivity when water is not present in the layer and Solid thermal conductivity together with fluid thermal conductivity = Bulk thermal conductivity when layer is saturated. The formula used is the empirical one: n*lambdafluid + (1-n)*lambdasolid = lambda bulk. Am I right? Thank you!
Posted Mon, 04 Jan 2021 07:10:05 GMT by Peter Schätzl Grundwassermodellierer
Yes, you are right. FEFLOW assumes air to be perfectly non-conductive and without capacity, thus the terms "solid" and "fluid" for the two phases with thermal conductivity/capacity.

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