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Posted Mon, 13 Jul 2009 03:18:04 GMT by Przemek Nalecki
I am running quasi steady-state model with rivers simulated as 1st kind with constraints (effectively high conductive drains). I ran the model for the same period of time (36500d) at various time steps:
Looking at budget results, the 1st kind discharge rates stabilize at: ~6.4e4 m3/d (time step 3650d), ~1.5e4 m3/d (time step 365d) and ~4.3e3 m3/d (time step 36d) - which is quite a big difference.
Did anybody run into similar problems before?
Posted Mon, 13 Jul 2009 08:14:13 GMT by Denim Umeshkumar Anajwala
As a comparison, it might be good to run the model with automatic time stepping, if run time allows.
Posted Tue, 14 Jul 2009 00:32:53 GMT by Przemek Nalecki
I did that too - the time step icreases to about 4000d during the run and results are ~1.5e4 m3/d. I also ran the model with 1d time step which resulted in stable inflow rates of about 2.5e3 m3/d.

I am using Feflow 5.404, phreatic layer type, fairly detailed mesh.

Any suggestions of how to sort it out will be greatly appreciated.
Posted Wed, 22 Jul 2009 07:21:30 GMT by Denim Umeshkumar Anajwala
Does the river have transient properties, or is the water level time-constant? If you're still having trouble, pls. send an email to our tech support (, if possible with the model file (up to 8 MB). If the file is larger, our support team will tell you where you can upload the file.

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