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Posted Fri, 31 Aug 2018 08:26:57 GMT by LIONEL SCHAPER

I am working on a sand aquifer. The groundwater level is 50 m below the surface and I just want to simulate the first meters of the unsaturated zone. As the groundwater level is far below the unsaturated zone that I try to model, I don't know what kinf of bottom BC I can put : normally, I would have put a free drainage BC but it does'nt seem to exist on Feflow ...

Can you please help me ?
Best regards
Posted Mon, 03 Sep 2018 11:48:26 GMT by Björn Kaiser
You could try to use the Fluid-Flux BC (Gradient):
Posted Wed, 05 Sep 2018 11:19:04 GMT by LIONEL SCHAPER
Thank you for your answer !

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