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Posted Mon, 20 Apr 2009 11:19:08 GMT by hy
Hallo everybody,
How does the anisotropy factor, for the heat conductivity work?
In which direction do I define the heat conductivity, if I assign a value for the heat conductivity (fluid, solid) in the heat materials menu?
Is it the z-direction (vertical)? And the horizontal (x,y) is calculated by dividing the assigned heat conductivity value by the anisotropy factor?

e.g. I need to model a heat conductivity of 0.1(J/m/s/K) in z-direction( vertical) and a heat conductivity of 10 in x,y-direction,
what values do I have to use for the heat condutivity and for the anisotropy factor?

Thanks a lot for help
Posted Mon, 20 Apr 2009 14:39:46 GMT by Denim Umeshkumar Anajwala
Hello Nils,

anisotropy is only applied for the solid heat conductivity, of course.
The value assigned for the solid heat conductivity is the value in x/y-direction.
If heat conductivity is 10 W/m/K in x/y you just have to enter 10. If it is 0.1 W/m/K in z-direction the anisotropy factor then has to be 0.01.

Kind regards

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