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Posted Tue, 16 Feb 2010 23:10:53 GMT by phuongthuy1205
Dear friends,

I'm now having a 3 layer model (as unconfined, aquitard, confined aquifer at first). These layers are determined by elevation point data. When I import elevation data for 4 slices (with kriging as the interpolation method), there are intersection and I just adapt with default value (the distance is 0.1 m). I understand that where the distance between 2 slices is 0.1 m the upper hydro-geological layer is absent and I need to impose the characteristics of lower hydro-geological layer on these areas. It means that there are 2 'groups' of values in the same model layer.

But I don't know how to determine or to zone these areas in order to impose different characteristics (K, recharge,...).

Could you please help me?
Thanks a lot!
Posted Wed, 17 Feb 2010 07:57:54 GMT by Denim Umeshkumar Anajwala
There are different options for this. Many of our users work with GIS systems. In this case, the layer thickness can be exported from FEFLOW to a shape file, based on which zonation can be done in GIS. The same procedure would be possible with a CAD system. When working with FEFLOW alone, I'd also export the layer thickness, load it as a background map and manually apply properties of the underlying layer in zones with minimum layer thickness.
Posted Wed, 17 Feb 2010 12:06:58 GMT by phuongthuy1205
Dear Mr. Schatzl,

Thank you very much for your reply.

I still have a problem.
When I export the thickness into file .shp:
In menu Slice Elevation:  Special/z_coordinates/Thickness (option for operating)/Mesh (Save as plot file..).
I open this shp file in MapInfo and I cannot find the thickness in browser, just see Id (all of them are 1) and another attributed property called Elno (with continuous value from 1 to 30,556).
I also add this shp file as map in Feflow and use Mesh Inspector to see, and find just the elevation.

I don't know at which step I was wrong.

Posted Wed, 17 Feb 2010 12:36:46 GMT by phuongthuy1205
Additionally, when I export the thickness as trp flie (save nodal quantities as points) I can see more data which I guess are the calculated thickness :)

However I find here many extremely small value (10.e-10). When I interpolate the slice elevation I have chosen minimum top and bottom distances are 0.1m.

I don't understand why there appear such small thickness values?!

I'm waiting for any ideas.
Posted Thu, 18 Feb 2010 07:07:23 GMT by Denim Umeshkumar Anajwala
The 'Mesh' export only exports the mesh, without any information about properties. You should use - as you have done - a nodal export or an export of 'Isolines' to obtain the values in the output.
When you apply a minimum thickness during interpolation, this is only used at nodes where actually an intersection of slices would otherwise happen. If there is still a positive layer thickness - no matter how small it is - the minimum thickness is not applied. To avoid/correct these small thicknesses, you should use 'Modifiy slice distance' in the Slice Elevations menu.
Posted Thu, 18 Feb 2010 13:37:08 GMT by phuongthuy1205

With trp exported files I can have the thickness in points.
When I use Isoline/Finger I can see data in areas. In attributed data I have ID, Elev_l and Elev_h. I combine objects using ID to have less groups. I guess the thickness is equal to (Elev_h - Elev_l); however I realize that all the thickness here are the same (about 2 m).

I don't really understand the way they are calculated and how I can change some default values to get my target.

Thank you Mr. Schatzl for helping me step by step. I do hope to hear from you more!

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