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Posted Mon, 19 Feb 2018 10:14:16 GMT by Rainer Schumacher
Good morning,

my problem is that I can only assign the elevation of my slices at the selected edge. But this is not the depth of the multilayer well I want. As I know that it worked in FEFLOW 6.1, I guess that is a bug in this version. Can you fix this bug? Otherwise, I would be glad to learn how I can downgrade to FEFLOW 6.1. You can't download this version for Windows 10 any more.

Thanks in advance.
Posted Wed, 21 Feb 2018 04:16:32 GMT by Björn Kaiser
There is no reason to downgrade to a previous FEFLOW version even if there is a bug. A bug can be fixed. However, was not able to reproduce your observation. I tested the Multilayer Well assignment (MLW) and it was working perfectly using all types of z-extend (from selected edges, from top to bottom elevation and from Depth to top bottom). The latter two settings require that more than the half of two connected nodes via the edge is covered by your entered values. Could you please check it?

Posted Mon, 26 Feb 2018 13:56:16 GMT by Christian Helweg
Hi. We also have some issues with multilayer well assignment. Although it is not the same problem I'm very interested in what you wrote in your answer Björn. I did not entirely understand it. Could you elaborate a bit more on the requirement for assignment, that you describe.

Best regards Christian
Posted Tue, 27 Feb 2018 13:13:20 GMT by Björn Kaiser
Hi Christian, I have been in contact with your colleague addressing the assignment of MLW's. The problem in your model is related with Dirichlet Boundary Conditions which are already assigned. You tried to assign MLW’s connected with nodes where Dicirchlet Boundary Conditions have been already assigned.

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