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Posted Tue, 06 May 2008 13:07:03 GMT by ounsana
Hi, I am a new user of FEFLOW.
I want to know how to introduce both saturated and unsaturated zone to analyse water infiltration on the aquifer! ???
I want have the water profile in fonctio of time but i don'f find where to precise the time!!!!!
So thankful for your help!
Posted Fri, 23 May 2008 09:01:07 GMT by Alexander Renz

When using an unsaturated (Richards' equation) model, FEFLOW handles both the saturated and unsaturated zone in the same model. You can adjust the temporal parameters of the model in "Temporal&Control Data" Menu. You can also define time-vaying (power-) functions and use them for transient modelling of BC, material data, etc.

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