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Posted Thu, 28 Jan 2021 22:28:38 GMT by Iman Roohidehkordi
Hello all.
I modelled a BHE geothermal heat pump system and studied the impact of temperature on a contaminant. In my contaminant transport simulation, I put concentration of 100 mg/L in some nodes around a bhe and ran a heat and mass transport simulation (with biodegradation included) for 1 year. I wanted to know the initial mass correlated with initial 100 mg/L and final mass of contaminant after 1 year to see how much contaminant is degraded. I wonder how I could get total mass from concentration?
Posted Fri, 29 Jan 2021 07:39:53 GMT by Peter Schätzl Grundwassermodellierer
There's a panel called "Content" that can be used to derive the integrated mass.
Posted Fri, 29 Jan 2021 12:40:05 GMT by Iman Roohidehkordi
Thanks Peter! I will try that.

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