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Posted Wed, 06 May 2009 20:07:28 GMT by johnbullas
Good Evening Colleagues

A client has contacted us seeking some assistance. They have a PhD student looking at a geothermal  project and who has collected a lot of data.

He now needs to analyse the data with FEFLOW. However purchasing the software is not a viable proposition for the relatively short term use of the package that is needed.

The client would be happy to pay for training for a period of weeks in UK/Ireland to complete if necessary.

Could anyone offer a desk to a keen post grad for a few weeks in return for publicity W.H.Y. ??????

Any advice appreciated

Sincere Regards

Dr J C Bullas FGS
Southampton UK
Posted Tue, 12 May 2009 06:07:17 GMT by Denim Umeshkumar Anajwala
Please contact our sales team at They will ask the PhD student for  a short description of the planned work and application of FEFLOW. If this seems an interesting application for DHI-WASY, we might be able to provide a time-limited license without cost. It will be required, however, that we receive a short summary of the work after finalizing it, and that we may use this for advertising purposes.

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