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Posted Tue, 14 Jan 2014 17:07:01 GMT by christhoferdzv
Hello, i need help with this error message that appear when open feflow files created from other pc. But i can create my own files and work great. What can i do??

Attach the error message and feflow info photo
Posted Wed, 15 Jan 2014 12:47:26 GMT by Björn Kaiser
There are two possible reasons.

The first reason is that you are in demo mode and you try to open a model created on another PC which exceeds the number of nodes, while the model created on your PC is lower than the limitation. In demo mode the limitation is given by 500 nodes per slices with a maximum number of 5 slices.

The other reason is that you do not have a cooperate license, but you try to open two models at the same time.

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