Gday Feflowers
I am fairly new to Feflow with a background in MODFLOW, and I need some advice, please.
I am creating a flow and transport model in FEFLOW for a glacial Quaternary aquifer system. I have excellent drillhole coverage (over 200 holes in a small area) and have been able to produce a fairly accurate geological model which generally consists of sand and till sequences that are individually 10-20m thick, so that the whole sequence is between 50 and 70m. The sequence is sand, clay, sand, clay, basal sand, basal clay.ÂÂ
I have defined the problem as unconfined (phreatic) aquifers. When i select the clay layers as "fixed" layers, I get a good convergence for steady state, however, when I set the clay layers as "unspecified", the convergence becomes a serious problem, and the calibration is not good. Can someone give me some advice on when to set fixed versus unspecified for saturated and thick clay sequences in unconsolidated aquifers... the help option in the program gives a brief explanation but does not give specific examples of when to utilise each.