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Posted Thu, 26 Apr 2012 07:14:55 GMT by tiggerlars

I model heat flow in FEFLOW 5.4.  I have set up a constant precipitation, but how do I assign a temperature to the rain?  I want to use a constant temperature.  If I do not assign a temperature to the rain, what temperature does it enter the model domain with?

Cheers, Lars
Posted Tue, 08 May 2012 08:43:24 GMT by Denim Umeshkumar Anajwala
Hi Lars,

The temperature of the recharge infiltrating through the ground surface is usually applied by a first kind heat BC on the models' top. EDIT: If you don't use a first kind heat BC and the flow recharge is set by source/sink (elemental material parameter), the flux will adopt the REFERENCE temperature when it enters the model. You can verify this in the Reference Manual, page 55, Eq. (3-17) for an unconfined aquifer: The last term reads ?[sup]f[/sup]*c[sup]f[/sup]*Q[sub]?[/sub]*(T-T[sub]0[/sub]) = Q[sub]T[/sub] (the overlines on the Q's missing...). Q[sub]?[/sub] refers to the flow source sink, Q[sub]T[/sub] is the resulting heat flux, which shall here be 0. Distributing and equating yields T = T[sub]0[/sub]; T is the node temperature and T[sub]0[/sub] the reference temperature.


Posted Tue, 08 May 2012 09:13:37 GMT by tiggerlars
Good - then my model is set up correct  :)

Thanks for the answer.

- Lars

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