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Posted Mon, 30 Jul 2007 22:51:00 GMT by jmlemieux
I would like to know if there is a way to assign initial heads (or concentration) from the result of a previous simulation that was performed on the same 3D grid (but with a different .fem file)


Posted Wed, 01 Aug 2007 08:47:23 GMT by Boris Lyssenko
You'd have to export the values slice by slice and import them again as initial conditions for the new run.
Posted Thu, 02 Aug 2007 14:08:53 GMT by Tim Ezzy
Sometimes I use "Recreate" in the post-processor. I then select "Rehash F.E. Problem" and it automatically prompts you with the message "Rehash a finite element problem from the underlying database using the set time = XXXXdays  as initial condition for the simulation run", whereby xxxx days = finishing time of previous run. Save it as a new problem with a unique identifier. Additionally, the starting heads appear to be the same as the finishing heads on the previous runs.

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