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Posted Wed, 28 Jun 2017 15:00:09 GMT by Nick_Cormier

I'm having an issue customising the plots (fastline or otherwise). If I right click on the plot, all of the menu items with the word "properties" do nothing when I click on them. I'm simply trying to display the units of the x and y axes but it's not allowing me to do so. Have you encountered this issue before? Is there a default unit used for concentration on these axes?

Thanks for the help.
Posted Wed, 28 Jun 2017 17:17:02 GMT by Filip Claeys
Selecting one of the "properties" items in a plot's context menu will display these properties in the "Properties" Window. If you can't see this window, you may have to go to View / System / Properties in the main menu (or alternatively press Ctrl-W, P). See also the User Guide.

For displaying a unit on for instance the Y axis, go to the "Axes properties" and then to Left / Title, and set Text to a string that includes the unit.

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