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Posted Thu, 25 May 2017 13:07:11 GMT by Luís Roque Silva Lopes
Good afternoon
I have an activated sludge system with surface aerators, where the aerators' input power is indicated to maintain the levels (concentration) of actual OD in the ASU tank.

I make the correct adjustment of the aerators' input power, to obtain OD levels in the ASU tank.

However I noticed that OD levels change during the parameter calibration experience, and also when I change the incoming fractionation of the effluent.

Question: Is there any way to enter the OD levels in the ASU tank with a fixed value?
Posted Thu, 25 May 2017 13:28:19 GMT by Luís Roque Silva Lopes
Is it through the top-leval interface variables, that I solve this problem?
Posted Thu, 25 May 2017 17:34:13 GMT by Enrico Remigi WEST Product Owner
I don't fully understand what you are trying to achieve.
How do you control the input power?
And how do you set up the Parameter Estimation experiment? What are your degrees of freedom, i.e. model parameters that will be varied during the PE? what's the objective function?

You can fix the DO by either using the FixVolumeFixOxyASU model; or controlling the aerator (e.g. using a PI controller) and fixing the set-point of the DO.
Posted Sun, 28 May 2017 00:07:07 GMT by Luís Roque Silva Lopes
Thank you very much.
Solve the problem by placing the PI controller, and indicating the DO set-point.

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