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Posted Tue, 11 Nov 2014 11:51:14 GMT by Mónica Gracia Tratamiento de Aguas - Ingeniería de Proceso

Using the SBR model, I am not able to manage the Q_Bypass not to occur.

Attending the equation, if I change to zero all the parameters (N, alfa and Beta), I should have no overflow. I have tried different combinations of parameters and I get always the same values of Q_Bypass (the volume never reaches the maximum), making the volume be variable with similar pattern.

The model guide refers to the Annex:Calculation of the weir outflow parameters, but I don't see the chapter in the model guide document.

Any help? Thanks!
Posted Tue, 11 Nov 2014 21:28:23 GMT by Enrico Remigi WEST Product Owner
I believe there are 2 aspects here: 1) you get Q_ByPass when you don't expect it; and 2) the volume never reaches its maximum.
It's hard to say without a quantitative example. However, I could guess the following:
[list type=decimal]
[li]in order for Q_ByPass to permanently be zero, the reactor is to be fed by a flow rate that doesn't exceed its capacity (and given 2, this is not the case) and [b]exclusively[/b] during the "fill phase" - whatever flux would reach the tank during one of the other phases, results in a by-pass. My suggestion is therefore to make sure that the SBR is precisely synchronized with any timer regulating its feed[/li]
[li]once you do not have any by-pass, then provided the integral of the feed flow over the fill phase is smaller than the delta-Volume (max-min), the volume will not reach its maximum and no by-pass will occur[/li]

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